The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam:
1916 Dodge Hanscom Edition

This is another Dodge Publishing Company edition, dated two years after the 1914 popular edition. The cover is a bold red.

This 1916 edition contains illustrations again by Adelaide Hanscom, though not marked as such. The illustrations in this 1916 copy are in color, again attached to the page. The decoration on the pages with poetry are also in color rather than grayscale.

Some of the artwork is identical between the two editions, however, the placements of the illustrations do differ between the common illustrations. There are a few pictures that overlap with the 1914 edition and it seems that the 1914 one has more illustrations period. Despite the lesser amount of them, because the 1916 edition ones are in color, they are more striking to behold. Quality over quantity.

One of the illustrations unique to this edition does elevate this copy further. It, pictured below, had the text of one of the quatrains on it. It was a unique way to present the poetry and the art together that captured my attention in a positive way.

Update 03/2020: More history was learned regarding Adelaide Hanscom and her editions, please see the 1905 edition

Update 07/2022: Layout updated.

The Book Itself

The Poetry

The Illustrations